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Placeable Locator API v1


You would like to request SFTP logs. You are trying to track multiple data file deliveries from your company teams to Placeable for ETL processing. 



Contact Placeable Support with the following information

  1. Mention you are requesting SFTP logs
  2. Provide the Placeable account name
  3. Indicate the time period (e.g. January 2021) for the requested logs



Create a JIRA ticket with the provided information. An example ticket is shown here: PLACEABLE-27396

  • Project: Placeable
  • Type: Change Request

Once the logs are in hand, contact the customer with the following information:

  • Attach the SFTP logs 
  • Confirm that the logs are for the Placeable account indicated above
  • Provide the timezone used for the logs’ timestamps
  • Provide the source IP address(es) for all connections from the company side


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
